After Care
Oil-Mascara is not recommended (including on bottom lashes), because it may dissolve the glue bond to natural lashes .But an oil-free mascara is recommended.
Avoid any oil base product over your eyelash extensions before and after lash application. The lash cleanser should be your last step after facial cleansing. ​
When removing makeup, dip a cotton swab in oil-free makeup remover and roll under the eye. This removes residue without pulling on your gentle eye tissue.
Keep lash dry at the first 24 hours after lash application , avoid any sweat-workout, even if you aren't able to avoid this , shampoo your lashes before you the workout be completed with your lash cleanser to remove sweat and proteins. This will keep the life of your lashes!
Lashes extensions may be damaged when you sleep face-down.
Make sure your eye mask doesn't crush or compress your eyelash extensions.
Do not rubbing, pulling, picking on your eyelash extensions. Using a goggle when shower or sleep ,it will protect your lash extensions.
Do not brush your lashes too much! It may damage your lash extensions or it fall out pretty quick.
Use a lash cleanser before brushing at morning and night .
Do not poke or extensions with your fingers, it may deliver dirt or oils extensions , it may loose the bond of the adhesive. Keep your fingers off your lashes